As Mark Twain once said, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” I’m not aware, of course, that anyone actually suggested that I had swan dived” off this Mortal coil but I like the quote anyway. As I write this, the Covid-19 pandemic is effectively getting smaller in our rearview mirrors (although it is highly unlikely that the morons running this place will ever let it completely disappear) and life is slowly trying to return to some sense of normalcy. I could prattle on for a while about the rise of the “Karen” that has become pervasive in our social interactions nowadays… You know, the smarmy Bitchy types that know everything and yell at you all the time for not wearing your masks, or at least wearing them properly? Yeah, those creatures are what we now like to call “Karens” (although “nosy busybodies” is still my favorite old-school way of putting it).
During my time away from “home”, I have been busy serving as the Headmaster of my granddaughter’s covid-19 remote Learning University. Honestly, it’s been the best experience of my life. Not because of the horrible curriculum but because of the bonding and togetherness we have been able to share. Soon enough, she will be a teenager and I will have outlived my usefulness in her developmental years, but for now, it has been the best part of each of my many days over the course of my nearly two-year absence from this website.
Don’t worry… I have plenty of stories to Chronicle, but we will get to that stuff eventually. In the meantime, I thought it would be a good way to break the ice by pointing out that, during this time, and – believe it or not – even at her suggestion – I have kept busy working on a novel which is something I always wanted to do but always found a way to talk myself out of even trying.
The short version of the longer story is that I partnered up with an old blogging buddy to create a new website called “Unwashed Philosophy” where, as you may have guessed, we write essays that wax philosophical although neither one of us has a degree in philosophy. And we really don’t care 🙂
Once the website got underway, we talked ourselves into collaborating on a novel that we have more or less agreed should be titled “The Unwashed Philosophers’ Guide To Perfecting An Imperfect Union” and I’m happy to say we are almost finished!
I will be back soon with pieces of the book to whet your appetite, once I clean things up around here and make room for it.