At 18, when asked what I wanted to be “when I grew up”, I told my big brother “Writer”, to which he replied that it was a dumb idea and that I’d always be poor. I went on to become an engineer and a technical educator but I never gave up on my dream. By the time I turned 60, having survived three strokes, I found myself no longer able to work, drive, read or write, and had been medically advised that I should not live alone unsupervised. Refusing to be helpless, and karma being what karma is, I eventually moved into my own apartment and engineered a series of methods to compensate for being cognitively impaired and 50% blind in each eye – a condition known as “Homonymous hemianopia”. I have recently completed my first novel and have submitted a number of query letters in hopes of finding a publisher. While I wait, aware of the nearly impossible likelihood of success, I have moved on to my next series of projects which includes a dark memoir about love and relationships, and a collection of short stories about my life and times as an avowed Hermit. Soon you will find my novel on Kindle and, shortly thereafter, my subsequent projects that will follow. Between now and when the good Lord calls me home, I will continue chasing my dream… may you find things of use (or entertainment) along the way, but please understand that my efforts going forward are motivated by the need to prove something to myself, not any of you, although I hope you find some things of value along your journey.

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